1. Hispanic Americans do not have a poorer response to citalopram compared to Caucasians.
There were overall significant differences (unadjusted data) between Caucasian (self-identied as US 'white) and Hispanic Americans (self-identied as US 'hispanics') participants with nonpsychotic depressive disorder who achieved remission on the clinician-rated HRSD17 (Caucasian remission rate = 30.1%; Hispanic American remission rate = 24.2%; p=0.029) and the participant-rated QIDS-SR16 (Caucasian remission rate = 36.1%; Hispanic American remission rate = 30.4%; p=0.0475). However after adjustment (see note 1) the differences in remission between Caucasians and Hispanic Americans disappeared Lesser, 2007.

note 1: Adjusted for: regional center, gender, education, employment, income, medical insurance, marital status, illness onset age and duration, n episodes, family history of mood disorder and substance abuse, current episode duration, HRSD17 or QIDS-SR16, anxious and melancholic subtype features, SF12, Q-LES-Q, WSAS, specialty care setting, CIRS ratings sum, and number of psychiatric disorders.

(N=2180; Caucasian = 1853; Hispanic American = 327), Lesser, 2007.

2. Treatment response rate, effective citalopram dose, total number of reported adverse events, and attrition rate did not differ between Hispanic and non-Hispanic patients. Citalopram seems to be an effective and well-tolerated antidepressant for Hispanic and non-Hispanic HIV-infected patients. The depressive symptoms of 50% of the 14 patients who completed the study responded to citalopram (mean dose34 mg/day).
(N = 20; 14 Hispanic and 6 non-Hispanic American patients in Miami, USA, with HIV-spectrum illness and major depressive disorder, 6-week, open-label, flexible-dose study of citalopram (dose
range10–40 mg/day), Currier et al., 2004.